Lynn Wind MethodLynn Wind Method



Lynn Wind Method                    Lynn Wind Method



National Certification Board Approved CEUs

NCBTMB #0451465-10


January 17                   Shoulder Assessment, Treatment and Technique (6.5 hours)

January 18-20              Myofascial Mobilization One (18 hours)

                                  Content:  Theory of Fascia, its composition and properties, fascia and holding patterns. 

                                         Postural evaluation with each segment - Torso and Back Balance.  Lower Extremity Balance. 

                                         Core Balance - Thigh and Hip.                  

January 21                   TMJ - Assessment, Treatment and Technique (6.5 hours)

January 24                   Joint Play Mobilization - Upper Extremity (7 hours)

January 31                   Joint Play Mobilization - Lower Extremity (7 hours)

February 1-3                 Myofascial Mobilization Two (18 hours)

                                   Content:  Core Balance - Abdomen, Pelvis and Anterior Thigh.  Shoulder Girdle, Neck and Head

April 15                        Shoulder Assessment, Treatment and Technique (6.5 hours)

April 20-22                   Advanced Lymphatic Full Body Drainage (21 hours)

September TBA             Joint Play Mobilization - The Core Lower Back and Cervicals


                                    The above workshops are offered by Maui School of Therapeutic Massage


May 25-28                   5D Open Door Retreat

                                  This is an opportunity to learn with a master teacher and unlock your own abilities of perception.  

                                         Lynn’s courses are a combination of hands-on instruction in how to cleanse the body, release 

                                         resistance in the mind and align with your own true nature for energy shifts from 3D to 5D

                                 This 3 day retreat will be held at the Marriott Waikoloa Beach Resort Hotel

                                 Please visit the 5D Open Door Retreat website for more information


October TBA               Myofascial Mobilization and Lymphatic Drainage Workshops   Location:  Massachusetts